शुक्रवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2011

Anne Frank - Jew

Anne Frank was born into a Jewish family on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt Germany. At that time millions of Germans were out of work. Many were listening to the hate-filled, anti-Jewish  speeches of Adolf Hitler. In 1933 Hitler became Chancellor of  Germany, and the Franks moved to Holland, Amsterdam, when they thought that they would be safe. Anne attended school there and at one time she won the prize in easy competition. The World War was broke out in 1939. In 1940 the German army invaded Holland. To avoid being persecuted, the Franks moved into secret apartment. When she  became thirteen she was a Diary as birth day gift. She use this diary as her autography and started to write daily happening in her life , describing the hardships  she endured  while in hiding, as well as some of the  happy moments. Jews were not allowed in movie theaters, parts, swimming pools, ride cars even bycycle.  Dutch schools were closed to Jews. During their hide out the Dutch people helped them risking their own lives.   In 1944, the hideout was discovered, and Anne was sent to Westerbork with elder sister, a prison camp in northeastern Holland. After that she was sent to Auschwitz , a death camp in Poland, and finally to Bergen-Belsen, the German camp where she died in just 15 years of age in late February or early March 1945 due to diaease and hunger,  with her sister Margot.  
Anne Frank's courage amidst the horrors of war, humans suffering and death has inspired the millions of people who have read her diary. On May 08, 1945 the war in Europe ended. During the course of the war, six million Jews  were murderedby the Nazis. One and one half millions of victims were children. Of the 120,oo0 Jews who had lived in Holland in 1940, just 14,000 survived. Of course eight who hide in the secret apartment in Amsterdam, only Otto Frank (anne's father) was left. The Nazis murdered millions of others, too, including cripples, the mentally ill, beggars, Russian prisoners of war, Romanies, homosexuals, and communists.    
Her father Otto Franks returned to Amsterdam. Some one had found Anne's diary and had given  it to him. The diary was first published in 1947. Since then it has been translated into more than fifty languages. Many millions of people have read Anne's Diary. They have learned fromit the horrors of war, and the terrible price paid in lives and human suffering for prejudice and hatred.  Some people find it difficult to understand the enormous tragedy of the Holocaust , the organized murder of millions of people. But when they read Anee's diary, it all become real. Then they know one of the victims. They know anne Frank.  

Written by David A. Adler
illustrated by Karen Ritz
(A Picture Book of ANNE FRANK)
DIX HILLS, NEW YORK - on 29/10/2011  


George Washington - American first President

George Washington was born on 22/02/1732 in Virginia farmhouse. It was an English Colony. He was interested in fishing and boating. He watched ships that sailed past on nearby river. But most of all he liked to ride horse.. He learned to read and write in school. He practiced his handwriting by copying lists of rules such as "Keep your fingers clean" and "Thank before you speak." But his favorite subject was arithmetic. When George  was 11 years his father died. George helped his mother to run their farm and  watch his younger brothers and sister.. One day George found some surveying tools that had belongs to his father, he used them to measure and map a turnip field and a pine forest. He liked surveying. When he was sixteen he was very tall and looked much matured. He was given a job surveying land in the Virginia wilderness. On attaining    21 years he joined Virginia army. He rode to the Ohio Valley to warn French to get off English land. 
   In 1754 the French and Indian War began. George Washington fought on the side of England. He led Virginia soldiers against the French. George was was known as a brave good leader throughout the the thirteen American colonies. When he was 26 years of age he married with Martha Custis  a wealthy widow with two children and moved to Mount Vernon. The England won their long  war against French. King George III of England wanted the American Colonies to help pay the cost of war, so he taxed them. American Colonists refused to pay the taxes. In Boston , colonies dumped tea into the harbor rather than pay the tax on it. 
   In  April, 1775 fighting between England and her American colonies began near Boston, at Lexington and at Concord, Massachusetts. One month later leaders of the thirteen colonies met in Phildelphia. George Washington was chosen to lead the Continental Army.  Often there were not enough uniforms, food, blankets and guns for George Washington's soldiers.
War lasted eight years,George Washington and the Continental Army fought bravery. In 1783, when the American colonies won the war, Geoprge Washington was a hero. Thirteen colonies became 13 states. They joined together and formed a government, but it was weak. In 1787 a new government was formed. with a congress, a supreme court and a President. George Washington was the best known, most loved leader in America . He was elected the first president of the United States of America in 1789. He was reelected in 1792.
 President George Washington signed treaties with the Indians, Spain and England. There was a war in Europe, but George Washington  kept the United States out of it. When some farmers in Pennsylvania refused to pay a tax  on whisky, George Washington sent soldiers to force the farmers to obey the law. In 1797, after eight years as President, George Washington returned to his home at Mount Vernon. Each morning he rode across his large farm on horseback.
  Sometimes he rode fifteen miles north of Mount Vernon to watch the building of a new city. It would be the capital of the United States, and it would be named after him. It would be called Washington. Then, in 1799 George Washington became ill and died, he was sixty-seven years old. He was a great leader. He has been called the "Father of our Country". It has been said that George Washington was "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen."
written by David A. Adler, illustrated by John & Alexandra Wallner.  (28/10/2011(  

गुरुवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2011

दिवाली २०११

मैं पिचले २००३ से अमेरिका में ही दिवाली मन रहा हूँ ! शायद २ या ३ साल दिल्ली में दिवाली मनाई होगी ! पहले हम लोग यूटाह में थे और २००३ की दिवाली हमने वहीं मनाई ! साल्ट लेक सिटी काफी खूबसूरत जगह है ! वहां राजेश के
बहुत सारे दोस्त थे ! सारे नजदीक ही थे ! जन्म दिन, कोई भी त्यौहार हम लोग मिलजुल कर मना लिया करते थे ! वहां नजदीक ही मंदिर भी थे ! २००५ में राजेश यहाँ न्यूयार्क आ गया ! उसके बाद यहाँ फिर उसके आई आई टी के बहुत सारे दोस्त मिल गए ! हर त्यौहार ये सारे लोग मिलजुल कर मनाते हैं ! यहाँ भारतीय बहुत बड़ी संख्या में हैं लेकिन बहुत दूर दूर रहते हैं ! हर एक के पास दो दो तीन तीन गाड़ियां हैं इसलिए आने जाने में कोई परेशानी नहीं है ! यहाँ पर हिन्दुस्तानियों के ही रेस्टोरेंट भी हैं जहां हर प्रकार का खाना मिल जाता है, साउथ इन्डियन भी और नॉर्थ इन्डियन भी ! साथ ही किसी प्रकार का महोत्सव इन्हीं रेस्टोरेंटों में मनाते हैं अमेरिका में हिन्दुस्तानी मूल के
लोग ! यहाँ राजेश- काजल ने दो साल पहले मेल्वील में नया घर लिया है, लोकेशन बड़ी प्यारी है ! मेंन दरवाजा पूर्व दिशा की और मुखातिब है ! दक्षिण में शानदार मख मली घास का लान है ! यहीं पर हमने टमाटर, पौकी की बेल बोई थी ! टमाटर पिछले साल भी और इस साल भी खूब खाए ! कुछ टमाटर तो २५० ग्राम तक के थे ! लौकी केवल एक हाथ लगी ! कालोनी के उतर में एक बहुत बड़ा फार्म हाउस है जहाँ मकई, टमाटर, बैंगन, सोयाबीन शिमला मिर्चें और भी ताजी ताजी सब्जियां मिल जाती हैं !
इस साल की दिवाली २६ अक्टूबर को पडी और उसी दिन मेरे बड़े पोते आत्रेय का जन्म दिन भी था ! करण ने दरवाजे पर लाइटें सजाई , वेदान्त ने खूब मस्ती की दादा दादी के साथ ! कालोनी में कम ही भारतीय हैं, इसलिए दूर से हमारा ही घर जगमगा रहा है ! दीवाली अमेरिका में मना रहे हैं और इंडिया की दीवाली और जगमगाती रोशनियों का आनंद ले रहे हैं दूरदर्शन पर !
यहाँ के लोग ३१ अक्टूबर को हेलोवीन का त्यौहार मनाते हैं ! सारे लोग अपने घरों के दरवाजों पर अजीब अजीब आकृतियों के भूतों के पुतले टांग देते हैं ! कहते हैं ये हेलोवीन का भूत है जो बहुत ही फ्रेंडली है ! इन लोगों का मानना है की हेलोवीन परिवार में खुशी और समृधि लेकर आता है ! उसके अलावा हरेक के घर के आगे कद्दू (सीता फल) को भी रंगों में पोत कर भूत में तबदील कर दिया जाता है ! बच्चे शाम के समय हाथों में छोटी छोटी बाल्टी लेकर हर दरवाजे पर दस्तक देते हैं और घर के लोग दरवाजा खोल कर उन बाल्टियों में बहुत सारे चौकलेट डाल देते हैं ! ये बच्चे कालोनी में किसी को नहीं छोड़ते ! अब ऊपर वाला ही जनता है की अगली दीवाली कहाँ मानी जाएगी, भारत में या अमेरिका में !

रविवार, 2 अक्टूबर 2011

फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी

मेरी कार है जापानी, मेरी पैंट इंगलिस्तानी,
मूछें मेरी हिटलर कट हैं फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी !
स्वीटजरलैंड की हाथ घड़ी है, कोरिया की टी वी पडी है,
सूट पहिनता इटली की, चाय चायना कीटली की,
स्पेन की शर्ट पहिनता अमेरिका की नेकर,
खाट, कुर्सी सोफे मेरे सारे हैं फारेन मेकर,
मंत्री सारे देशी हैं पर विदेशी रानी,
सूरत है चाहे अनजानी, मतदाताओं को हैरानी,
मूंछे मेरी हिटलर कट हैं फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी !
सडकों पर तो भीड़ बड़ी है,
नेताओं की लाईन खडी है,
सबको अपनी अपनी पडी है,
बिन पीये ही जाम चढी है,
भ्रष्टाचार में अगवा मंत्री
रिश्वतखोरी करते संतरी,
ये सब काले धन के रोगी,
इनसे भिड़ाने आए जोगी,
पुलिस ने फिर मारे डंडे,
रामदेव जी पद गए ठन्डे,
कहने लगे मुझको हैरानी, थे कल तक मेरे आसामी,
सूट चुनरी नारी की थी, फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी !
मेरी कार .....
मनमोहन अंधा बन जाए, जब सोनिया आँख दिखाए,
फिर मंत्री करते घोटाला,
पहिन गले हीरों की माला,
कलमाडी ने शीला मोदी,
घोटाला दोनों की जोड़ी,
करूणानिधि की प्यारी बेटी,
भ्रष्टाचार में सबसे जेठी,
ए राजा ने मारी छलांग
कदम पद गया थोड़ा रांग,
फिर तिहाड़ में आ के पड़े,
हो न सके वे फिर से खड़े !
यहाँ सूरत जानी पहिचानी, कुछ रा हैं कुछ हैं रानी,
मूंछे मेरी हिटलर कट हैं, फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी !